Check Engine Light

Have you ever hadĀ the check engine light came on in your car? I have, and my responses vary. 1. Something is seriously wrong. I need to pull over and call a tow truck. 2. It’s time for a $350 to $700 service. Call the mechanic and make an appointment. 3. Those lights are just another…

And Then I Was 79

My dad turned 79 today. It seems like he was in his 50s just “yesterday.” Now I’m in my 50s. And it seems like I was in my 20s just yesterday. I guess that means I will be 79 “tomorrow.” So, what? So, today matters. And tomorrow, and the next day. Every moment of every…

Which Me Am I?

Am I the me who puts on his armor, goes to work every day and does things I don’t love so I can “make a living?” The me who keeps everyone at arms length so I don’t get hurt or embarrassed about something I say or do. Or am I the me who wakes up,…

Celebrate Independence Day

In the U.S., Independence Day is observedĀ each year on July 4 as a day to celebrate the United States’s independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain on July 4, 1776. But that’s not the subject of this post. It’s about your independence day. Even if you work for someone else, you can declare your independence…

Crap Happens

I have four dogs. I’m clinically insane, but that’s another story. Regardless of how much I wish, hope, complain, criticize or yell at my wife and kids, the dogs still seem to eat and crap. It’s inevitable. Well, life is a lot like that. No matter how “good” you are, or how hard you try,…

Don’t Break The Chain

Get started. Don’t quit. We have all heard it, but how many of us actually follow that advice? For me, it’s too easy to start something and then change mid-stream before making serious headway. “Don’t break the chain” is a phrase made popular by Jerry Seinfeld, comedian and star of (arguably) the most famous TV…

Stuff Gets In Your Way

Are you ever surprised at how much stuff you have on countertops, in drawers, on shelves, on the floor, and on and on it goes? Having all that stuff in your life takes energy. The kind of energy you could be using to do something that really matters. Do you really need 100 pens and…

The Sun Came Up Today

And you knew it would. Because the sun is predictable, just like many things in life. Do this, get that. Say this, expect this response. Eat too much, gain weight. Eat less and exercise, lose weight. Sell something, make money. We often spend a lot of time and money worried about the outcome when we…

Generosity is a Gift

Not to the receiver, but to the giver. Think about it. When you give someone a birthday gift, graduation gift, or the gift or your time (the most valuable gift), it is often a selfish act. Think about how it makes you feel. We often give gifts because it makes us feel good. Remember that…

Just Walk Through a Door

You can’t steer a parked car. Most people have heard that, but how about this: When you have choices in life, it’s often hard to know which one to take. It’s like standing in a room with three doors. Since there are only three, you better make the right choice, right? Wrong. There are always…