Are You Hungry Enough to Act?

Today, I slept in and then spent 45 minutes in the gym. I was hungry when I awoke and really hungry after working out. Fast forward 1 hour. Still, no food. I’m waiting for my wife to join me. My body is hungry and I’m not answering. It won’t be long before wanting becomes screaming, the headache will get…

I Don’t Have Time

If you don’t have time, why is that? Too much to do? Priorities aren’t straight? Too many demands? Maybe you haven’t thought of this one, but too much stuff leads to too little time. Too much stuff in your closet means it takes more time to get dressed. Too much stuff on your desk means…

I’m still 50. What happened?

Despite my best efforts. Despite my wants, wishes, hopes and dreams. Despite my unremitting attention to fitness, food, family and fun. Despite what Krewella says, attempts to “make this fleeting moment last forever” are, well, fleeting. Time. Moves. On. For me, turning 50 just kind of happened. I didn’t have to plan for it. It wasn’t on my…

My Three Wishes

I just found an old bottle that must have a genie inside. “Should I rub it?”, I thought. So I did. Time passed. Nothing. More time. Nothing. Then . . . out she came. Emerging from the smoke. Scantily clad in pink garb. “I am a genie and I’m here to grant you three wishes,” she…

Fail More

That’s the best prescription for success. If you never get in the game, you have a 100 percent chance of failure. The problem with most people is that they equate mistakes with failure. In fact, you cannot succeed without failure. Consequently, a life without mistakes is a life without success. Thomas J. Watson, founder of…