Why not be great?

I read that on one of Seth Godin’s recent blog posts, and it really resonated with me. With so many of us striving to survive or “just get by,” because of “the economy” or “it’s too hard,” or “you just wouldn’t understand . . . my situation is different,” why not be different? Why not…

Finish what you started

I love new projects. New books. Even new friends. But, I have a habit of not finishing things I start. It feels great to have a stack of books on my night stand waiting to be read. However, when the stack grows and the titles remain the same, that’s a problem. Choose wisely. Focus on…

Failure is an Asset. Unrealized potential is a waste.

Ever heard someone say, “you have a lot of potential.” Kids hear this more than adults, probably because adults believe their “potential” died after childhood. Bull pucky! Calvin Coolidge said, “nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.” You could easily replace “talent” with “potential.” Coolidge also said, “Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”…

No Margin? Know Margin

In 1994, Dr. Richard Swenson wrote a book called Margin, and revised it in 2004. Dr. Swenson contended that living with no distance between yourself and your limits is a prescription for discontentment and disappointment in your life. I agree. Being busy all the time and spending every dollar you make does not add value…

Clean Restrooms

Yesterday, I was in a FedEx Office store to print three documents. The service was great as usual. Until… I visited the restroom. I have a thing for clean restrooms and, frankly, they say a lot about your business. In this particular restroom the floor was very dirty, including bits of shredded toilet paper strewn across…

Clouds Always Move

Remember the last time you awakened on a cloudy day. When you looked outside, your heart dropped. You had something outside planned. Instead of going back to bed and sleeping the day away, you got up, took a shower and prepared for the day, just like you always do. Then, you looked outside again. Blue…

Own Less, Live More

In a culture where discount stores are ubiquitous and the “buy more, save more” mantra is common, I propose an alternative. Buy less, therefore, own less, and live more. Huh? The more stuff you own, the more you must manage your stuff. Consequently, you have less money, less time and less freedom to do things…