Do… Something!

“You can’t steer a parked car.” “Many a false step is made by standing still.” “Just do it.” Those are all familiar phrases that mean the same thing to me. Do something. Standing still too long produces atrophy. The longer you stand still the more likely you will no longer be able to stand. If…

Peer Pressure and Old Dogs

Our old dog killed one of our kittens last night. What really ticked me off was how it happened. We have three younger dogs that often stir up trouble and draw the old girl in. They love to play with cats. Unfortunately, the old dog is much larger and her “play” can lead to dire…

Failing Forward

John Maxwell wrote a book about Failing Forward. IBM founder Thomas Watson told us to double our rate of failure if we want to improve our chances of success. Michael Jordan speaks of his high rate of failure as his chief reason for success. Why do we fear failure? When you talk to successful people…

Make Every Day a Writing Day

What’s stopping you? Did you get distracted by your morning newspaper? How much time do you really need to spend reading the news, in print, online or otherwise? Regardless of what you are trying to accomplish in life, your worst enemy is usually the person staring back at you in the mirror. It’s rarely a…

Why Write 100 Words?

To create. To learn. To inform. To teach yourself and others. To express yourself. To solve problems, heal hurts and build dreams. Write every day. Write in the morning, at mid-day or at night. The when and what are unimportant. Doing is the most important thing. No computer? Use pen and paper. No pen and…