Make Today Worth Remembering

I love musical movies, like My Fair Lady, The Sound of Music and Mary Poppins. Another favorite not on the tip of everyone’s tongue is The Music Man with Robert Preston and Shirley Jones. Preston’s character, Harold Hill, gave great “life advice” we should all heed. He said: You pile up enough tomorrows, and you’ll…

Am I Going The Wrong Way?

I recently stopped for lunch at The Laughing Planet on SE 33rd and Belmont in Portland. Parking was easy. Leaving was tricky. At 33rd, Belmont is a two-way street. At 25th, it’s an eastbound one-way. When I reached what I thought was a round-about at 25th, I went around, continuing westward, instead of turning right.…

Nothing Stays The Same

My wife and I visited The Oregon Garden yesterday. This 80 acre “garden” included nearly every plant you can imagine. From oak trees to kale, it was an amazing place. At the end of our exploration, we were walking through a man-made wetlands when it hit me. Dense foliage lined the footpath, but stopped short…

Will you let this beat you?

If anyone has ever criticized your work habits, activities or personhood, it can be pretty discouraging. That happened to me today. My response options? React: Criticize him for criticizing me. Ignore him. Respond: Look (hard) for any elements of truth that exist in his comments and learn everything I can from them, even if it’s what not…

Will anyone pay for that?

Are you afraid to charge for what you do? If it’s easier to give away your services than to charge for them, maybe it’s time to do something else. Giving away free information is great, if it leads to something else. If you write regularly on a free blog, that’s great for the reader and…