Starting from scratch

Even if you have been chugging along, doing something “productive” every day, going to your job, gym, or wherever, sometimes you just need a do-over. Starting from scratch forces you to question everything. Am I in the right business? Are the results I am getting what I actually want? If this is what success looks…

How is this benefitting you?

That was a question someone recently asked me about how I am spending my time. Specifically, it related to the amount of writing I do and what I gain from the activity. After giving this a lot of thought, it occurred to me that asking how something benefits you is a great exercise. Before starting…

Fearing the unknown

That’s how many of us spend our lives. Fearing things that have not happened, and that may even turn out to be good. Tomorrow I have a meeting with someone whom I have know for less than a year. Over that period of time, he has gone from friendly and unassuming to more demanding and…

I am grateful for . . .

The freedom to express myself online. My good health and my healthy family. A job that supports my family. My failures that teach me and guide me. The number of really smart people I can learn from without ever meeting them. An almost unlimited supply of almost free books that supply an unlimited amount of…

Who is my competition?

If you are in a horse race, it’s obvious who your competition is. It’s the guy or gal riding next to you. If you are driving a race car, your competition is driving a car in the same race. Obvious? Yes. But your “race” may be to become the best you possible. If your only competition is your…