Chasing The Urgent

When you spend your life chasing one urgent thing after another, you often lose sight of what is important. What is important? That’s what you need to decide. Set aside everything for one day, except this one thing: Decide what is important in your life. Once you make that decision, everything will change. Are you going…

Don’t Delay. Just Do It.

After fretting and complaining about a “large” project I have been putting off for months, it simply had to get done. Lucky me, today was the day. Rather than whining about it, I grabbed a cup of tea and went to work. After less than 4 hours of focused effort, I was done. For more…

Help Someone Today

How does it make you feel when someone helps you? Even if you pay them to help, it still feels great to get help when you need it. At least that’s the case for me. Today, I went next door to my sister’s house to offer a little help. It went like this: Remove, test…

Here Comes The Sun

In 1969, George Harrison of The Beatles, wrote a song by that title. The lyrics are simple, but profound in many ways. In the midst of his busy (and, perhaps, overwhelming) life with The Beatles, Harrison retreated to Eric Clapton’s country house and wrote the song while in the garden, enjoying a spring day. We all experience…

Focus on One Thing

Focus (from a: a center of activity, attraction, or attention b: a point of concentration Is it possible to focus on more than one thing at a time? I believe not. Yet, I continually try to do so. What happens when you (try to) “focus” on more than one thing at a time? Not…